What’s a Reiki Session Like?

Woman receiving a Reiki session. Learn what a Reiki session is like and what you can expect

You’ve read up on the benefits of Reiki and now you want to get your first Reiki session. But, you don’t know what to expect from a Reiki session or your practitioner.

You naturally want to know what a Reiki session is like to get the most out of it. You want to be informed, comfortable, and relaxed to receive the greatest healing possible.

The Reiki Experience

Not all healing sessions are the same because practitioners’ styles vary. Plus, as a self-healing modality, a lot depends on the client. And, each client has a different background, issues, and sensitivities.

Still, plenty of commonalities remain and they’re presented here, occasionally noting important differences.

This blog post assumes you’ve adequately researched this healing modality. Still, to learn more or refresh your memory, see my post on what Reiki is and its benefits.

Here the focus is on in-person treatments as opposed to virtual or distance healing. To learn more about these sessions see my blog post, How Distance Reiki Works.

Subtle Yet Powerful Reiki Energy

As you’ve probably learned, healing energy is subtle. Many clients don’t perceive much about the energy itself, but they notice changes in themselves such as deep physical, emotional, and mental relaxation; more clarity; a sense of spaciousness or openness, and greater resolve around their intentions.

Still, it’s not uncommon to feel a change in temperature, tingles, a sense of energy flowing, and even detect colors and images within your mind’s eye, much like meditation and dreaming. Each session is unique.

Blending Healing Modalities

Many Reiki healers combine multiple healing modalities in one session. Crystals, sound healing, subtle aromatherapy, and shamanic practices are examples of common complementary therapies. There’s nothing wrong with this. Complementarities often create more impactful experiences and healing. Reiki, for example, blends nicely with conventional medical treatments as well.

Nevertheless, you want to know what to expect because otherwise, you might become distracted by, or uncomfortable with, the unexpected while you’re receiving Reiki. This can interfere with or block the flow of energy and your receptivity. To achieve the best possible outcome, you want to be fully present and receptive.

Your research on prospective energy healers can reveal what a practitioner’s Reiki session is like, especially if you ask probing questions.

If you have an aversion to smells, smoke, etc, tell your practitioner before you get started.

Beginning the Reiki Session

Sessions typically begin with an assessment. Your practitioner may ask about your general emotional, mental, and physical state over the last few days.

This gives the practitioner a sense of your current status as it may relate to your intentions for the session. Make sure to mention any physical limitation such as getting on the table, laying on your back without a support such as a bolster. You want to be comfortable throughout the session.

Plus, it encourages you to initiate a reflective or mindful process critical for self-healing and wellness.

Setting A Healing Intention For the Session

Setting healing intentions is critical because intentions orient the energy flow and healing. If you don’t have specific goals, you can request healing to be in your best and highest interest.

This is also your opportunity to get questions answered and clarify what you want from the session more specifically. Your intentions can relate to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health or wellness issues.

Intentions can address relationship issues as well. However, a Reiki practitioner cannot force a particular outcome on you or others you wish to change. It can only seek the best and highest good for all concerned.

What to Expect During the Reiki Session

Throughout the session, you’ll remain fully clothed. The session will likely take place on a massage table. But, you can request a chair session if you prefer. You can even receive Reiki standing, although this isn’t common.

Most Reiki practitioners play soft etheric music. Although, some don’t play any music at all.

What the Reiki Healer Does During the Healing Session

Many practitioners work above the client’s body in the energy field and through the energy bodies and various layers of the aura. You may be touched very gently on the surface of your body (a simple laying of the hands). However, a healer doesn’t need to lay hands.  They can work strictly in your energy field. Request a hands-off session if you prefer.

The Process of Channeling Energy

Throughout the session, your practitioner will act as an open channel and facilitate the energy flow. The key here is “facilitate” because Reiki energy is wise, naturally goes where it’s most needed and follows intentions. This is another reason intentions aren’t required for healing to take place. It knows where to go.

Even though Reiki is channeled, the healer acts as a “hollow bone” so you and your practitioner don’t exchange or absorb each other’s energy during the session. In this way, Reiki is completely energetically safe.

Interaction During the Session

Many energy healers don’t talk, ask questions, exchange impressions, or give feedback during the session. They may not offer impressions or give feedback at all.

From my perspective and experience as an energy healer and spiritual coach, I see a benefit to sharing some impressions and allowing clients to ask questions. I’ve observed that engagement helps clients understand, reflect upon, and resolve their issues. I always give my clients the option. We can maintain silence if they like, and they can even drift off to sleep.

Your Comfort During the Healing Session

If you have a concern or something happens during the session that makes you uncomfortable, tell your Reiki practitioner. Most will gladly make adjustments to maintain your comfort and positive engagement throughout the session.

Grounding and Closing the Reiki Session

The treatment typically ends with a healing practice to ground and seal in the healing. This helps pull you and your back into the room. Then, your practitioner will close the session and let you know it’s complete.

Ending a Reiki Session

An assessment and feedback typically follow a Reiki session, but not all practitioners do this. This process helps you become more aware of changes or outcomes of the Reiki session.

You may also receive instructions on what’s next, such as recommendations on how much water to drink to facilitate the release of toxins, best practices for self-care, and ideas on how to integrate your healing process.

Effects of Reiki Treatment

Although Reiki is subtle, the actual healing can be profound. The healing process can also last several days and up to ten days.

Healing outcomes can be perceived immediately with some intentions such as stress reduction; physical, emotional, or mental overload and tension, or an energy recharge.

More complex issues such as changing behaviors or improving communication or relationships require more time and perhaps, but not necessarily, more sessions. You might immediately note greater clarity concerning the issues and some initial best steps.  You could feel more optimistic and possess greater resolve.

In some cases, the change after just one session can seem small. Yet within a short time, you may realize how much was put into play during that session and how significantly your circumstances or conditions have changed.

When you receive a Reiki healing attunement, the healing process will typically continuously unfold over a month. This attunement is strictly for deeper and more powerful healing. It shouldn’t be confused with a Reiki attunement given to students during training that imitates their ability to channel Reiki.

Healing Crisis

Much energy moves, clears, integrates, and rebalances during a Reiki session. After any major energy clearing, you might feel tired, achy, or light-headed. This is normal and will pass.

A healing crisis is more intense. You might feel as though you’re getting worse before you get better. You can experience strong short-term reactions with similar symptoms. I crisis will typically set in within hours of a session, but sometimes within the first 48 hours. The symptoms may last from 10 hours to 72 hours.

The crisis is part of the healing process. While uncomfortable, the crisis is a sign you’re experiencing substantial healing. They’ll pass quickly.

Take it easy. Rest more. Drink plenty of warm or cool water. Eat healthy but denser (e.g., protein and fats). Take a relaxing bath with or without salt and quality essential oils.

Continuing the Self-Healing Process

You’re encouraged to continue the process of reflection after leaving the session and carry the healing into your everyday life. Your increased awareness comes from your regular reflection that underlies and orients your daily decisions in a way that supports your healing and desired change. (See my blog post on Reflection, Balance, Health, and Wellness.)

Many clients misunderstand how a Reiki session, or any other healing practice for that matter, fits into their healing process. Most healing practices are not one-off. Rather, they initiate, galvanize, or orient an ongoing process.

Importantly, you have the agency and responsibility to shepherd your healing journey, make smart decisions, and take subsequent steps to ensure your healing takes hold and progresses toward your stated intentions and goals.

For More Information About Reiki, See:

My Mind Body Spirit Blog, in particular:

Updated September 13, 2024

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.