Toxic Energy | How to Block Energy From Others

Woman hands out expressing stop for how to block energy from othersHave you ever felt like someone’s energy was toxic? And if you have, did you worry about absorbing the toxic energy yourself? If so, you’ll want to learn how to block negative energy from others because not all human energy is good.

It’s important to note that not all toxic energy is intentional. Some people’s positive energy can negatively impact you intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, an overprotective mother can have positive intentions. Yet, from the child’s perspective, her actions are smothering. Her intentions can strain their relationship and have unintended developmental consequences. Likewise, people pleasers can cause you harm when they misrepresent their true thoughts and feelings as they attempt to communicate what they believe will please you and reassure themselves that they’re helpful or kind.

In sum, the quality of energy (positive, neutral, or negative) and degree of energy toxicity are relative and personal. Furthermore, their effect on you will not always be immediately evident. Hence, you want to be attentive and discerning and learn to block undesirable energy.

Different Types of Energy

Toxic energy takes various forms and stems from a variety of sources. Relevant here are the different types of energy that emanate from people as opposed to environmental or atmospheric events (lightning), electronic devices, appliances, infrastructure (high-power electric lines), etc.

Human Energy That Can Be Toxic Or Not

Some notable and measurable forms of human energy that readily come to mind are electromagnetic, chemical, thermal, sound, and physical (kinetic) force.

Narrowing the field of potentially toxic human energy still further, are sources that people generally label as negative or positive energy from others. These are sources that you can sense. For example, you can hear others’ voices and the content of their speech. Furthermore, you can perceive the observable or papable human energy in how people hold themselves (posture) or move and gesture.  Thoughts, emotions, feelings, and intentions are also forms of energy.

However, the most significant human energy is life-force energy. Difficult to perceive and impossible to directly measure, this energy gives and supports life for all living things, people included.

Life force is in essence neutral and life-affirming. However, it’s often considered positive because of the outcomes it supports. Still, many people mistakenly believe that some people are innately negative or toxic.

To summarize, the following list captures seven common ways you can sense and be affected by others’ energy.

7 Sources of Others’ Energy That Can Affect You

  1. Sound. There are many ways people make sounds. The voice is just one. A person can sigh, or moan. They can stomp, tip-toe, clap, or pound their fists. Also important is the absence of sound. It too can express a certain kind of energy. For example, passive-aggressive people withhold sound when they choose not to speak or engage. That energy of withholding can offend, anger, and deplete their companions.
  2. Emotions, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.
  3. Intentions. This includes the aim or aspiration as well as the energy around them.
  4. Posture. A person can face you directly or face away. They can slump at the sight of you or straighten up. Postures reveal aspects of the inner self and its associated energy.
  5. Gestures and movement. Gestures and movement are outward in nature. Both compliment and reinforce how a person engages with others or how they communicate or emphasize their intent. For example, gestures such as arms crossed in front of the chest signal rejection whereas arms opened wide indicate acceptance. Typical examples of movement are approaching and withdrawing or moving abruptly, erratically, or slowly.
  6. Withholding energy. This energy could also be called unattentive energy. An example is when someone you attempt to engage with ignores or looks right through you.
  7. Subtle life force energy.

How to Block Energy From Others

  1. Define, create, and defend personal boundaries.
  2. Control the tone of voice. Embody what’s more comfortable for you and your preferred quality of engagement. Be a model for the other.
  3. Turn toward your inner self. Some people’s toxic energy can trigger you and draw you in against your better judgment and best interests. In this instance, you want more control and the ability to block their toxic energy. To do this, take a moment to tune into or sense how a situation feels inside you. Tapping into your body’s wisdom will help you respond from a more informed and authentic space, which will be more constructive and self-supportive.
  4. Be aware of and use your body language well. Certain postures and gestures project confidence, defiance, and deterrence. Adopt these around toxic and potentially toxic people. Crossing your arms across your chest is a good example.
  5. Breathwork. You can use your breath to ground, center, and expand your energy, all of which will create resistance to unwanted or harmful energy from others.
  6. Expand and strengthen your aura. Pulling your energy may be a protective reflex. However, shrinking your auras can allow strong energy to come closer.
  7. Surround yourself with light and recharge it during the day.
  8. Create a bubble around you and infuse it with your intentions and the quality of energy that you want. Imagine it within your mind’s eye and sense how it feels around and in you. This is an excellent way to start the day.
  9. Smudge with certain herbs like Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)
  10. Diffuse good-quality aromatics (herbs and essential oils) that offer protection such as Opopanax (Commiphora guidotti), Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides), and Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)
  11. Work with protective crystals such as quartz and agates of all types, selenite, amethyst, carnelian, and fluorite. Wear the crystals, keep them in your pocket, or create an intention grid using protective crystals.
  12. Learn an energy healing modality such as Reiki or Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) and use it to alter the quality of your engagement, making it more positive and something in the best and highest interest of all parties.

Misunderstanding Others’ Energy

Numerous factors could lead you to doubt or overlook energy toxicity. You might be overly optimistic, always expecting the best from everyone. On the other hand, you might lack confidence and lean in favor of trust.

Maybe you’re reluctant to believe your close friend is radiating negative vibes. Or, you might ignore your astute suspicions and sugarcoat the motives behind others’ ingratiating and manipulative gestures.

The truth is if something feels negative or undesirable, it probably is. Analyzing someone’s intentions and associated energy instead of sensing your overall experience is rarely reliable or effective.

Help With Diagnosing Toxic Energy and What to Do About It

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.