Your Throat Chakra underlies your ability to speak your truth and manifest your dreams. This short guide provides you with the basics about this subtle energy center. The guide explains what the Throat Chakra is; what it governs within your mind, body, and spirit; and how to keep the throat open, balanced, and clear for optimal performance.
There are several additional ways to refer to this chakra: the Throat Center, the blue chakra, the fifth chakra, or Vishuddha, the Sanskrit name.
Throat Chakra Meaning
The Throat Center is the 5th of the seven common chakras.
It’s most associated with communication, self-expression, and manifestation. This center opens you to the higher wisdom of the divine or universe. As such it can act as a cynosure or North Star orienting you to the soul’s purpose and how to manifest your dreams.
It represents a bridge between your earthbound needs, desires, and actions on the one hand and your spiritual quest, understanding, and inspiration on the other hand. In this way, it plays a key role in integrating the energies of above and below.
The bridging role is rightly attributed to the Heart Chakra as well. However, in this case, the Heart is more about sensing, imagining, and connection than articulation, projection, and manifestation. The latter is more the realm of the Throat.
Personal Development
The chakra series is often viewed as a representation of human personal development. The first four chakras, respectively, relate to 1) fulfillment of basic needs and security; 2) emotional bonding, sensory refinement, and development of an emergent sense of self; 3) recognition of the nature of duality and self distinct from others, exploration of social relationships and norms, and appreciation of the power of ego and will; and 4) development of empathy, love, connection, and inspiration.
The Throat represents the development stage of full maturity when you seek and recognize what gives life meaning and purpose. You progress from a focus on the physical body to a focus on the spiritual body.
Parts of the Physical Body Related to the Throat Center
All chakras govern particular parts and functions of the physical body. Given the interconnectedness of the body and its functions, the influence of each energy center can be far-reaching.
The Throat Center relates to the respiratory tract, lymphatic system, thyroid gland, neck and shoulders, and the various organs and structures that create and support the voice and breath. It also influences ear, nose, and throat health and function.
The Throat Chakra plays several additional indirect roles due to its influence on the lymphatic system, which contributes to the immune system and is complementary to the circulatory system. Similarly, the center affects the endocrine system through the thyroid gland.
Speak Your Truth
People tend to talk about chakras as though each chakra operates independently. But, chakras work together and influence each other. The outcome that
People tend to talk about chakras as though each chakra operates independently. But, chakras work together and influence each other. An outcome typically associated with the Throat Center will ultimately depend upon the functioning of other chakras such as the Heart or Third-Eye chakras.
To speak your truth, the 5th Chakra draws from your sense of self, which, derives primarily from your Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. The Heart Center contributes inspiration, authenticity, ground-truthing, and commitment.
When clear and balanced. the Throat Chakra articulates the diverse information coming from the other chakras. It then communicates it in a clear, authentic, and effective way.
Communication is also about listening. When this chakra is open, balanced, and clear, it exudes a calm and empathetic nature ideal for engagement and creating understanding.
Manifest Your Dreams
The Throat draws upon the upper chakras (Third-Eye, Crown, and Soul Star) to bring spiritual experience, intentions, and expression into our physical and earthbound consciousness, aspirations, and actions. This includes 3rd-Eye Chakra’s affiliation with the subconscious and dreams.
The Throat Center draws inspiration from the Heart Chakra, combines it with spiritual wisdom, and acts as your North Star moving forward to manifest your dreams and fulfill your soul’s mission.
All About the Throat Center
Throat Chakra Location
The Throat Center is located within the Central Light Column (CLC) or Sushumna in the middle of the neck at the thyroid gland.
Throat Chakra Color
Blue is the color of Throat. The Third-Eye Chakra is purple but it can also be blue. Typically, a deep indigo blue. The Throat Chakra, on the other hand, tends to be a light blue to a deeper and richer blue.
The color blue is commonly associated with peace, calm, wisdom, and inspiration.
Throat Chakra Element
Sounds is the element of the 5th Chakra. By extension, this energy center has the closest association with resonance and vibration.
Throat Chakra Symbol – Mandala
The photo above illustrates the Throat Chakra mandala or symbol. Interpretations of the mandala design vary. Still, it’s possible to provide a generalized understanding.
The petals encircling the outer circle represent a lotus flower and overall balance and universal wisdom.
The circle represents both feminine energy and wholeness. The form of a circle provides no beginning or end.
The inverted triangle suggests movement from the spiritual realms down into the more earthbound form. It suggests messages from the divine communicated through the Throat Chakra for earthly consumption.
Throat Chakra Sound (Bija)
The sound associated with a chakra is called the bija, which improves energy flows related to the throat area and tones the chakra. Each chakra has its distinct single-syllable bija. For the Throat Chakra, that sound is Ham or hum.
Throat Chakra Mudra
There isn’t one specific and generally agreed-on mudra for the Throat Chakra. However, recommended mudras include those that can create energy flows through the central light column specifically this center. They open this space and the areas governed by the Throat such as the respiratory tract, lymphatic system, etc.
Blocked Throat Chakra Symptoms
The symptoms of a blocked Throat Chakra discussed here are limited to your ability to speak your truth and manifest your dreams. For additional information on signs of chakra dysfunction (weakness, hyperactivity, or blockage), see my post on a clear Throat Chakra.
Inability to Speak Your Truth
The inability to speak your truth can be linked to physical, structural, or functional issues. For example, how you sound and your opinion of your voice, speech pattern, and dental health (raspy voice or stutter) can affect your feelings about communicating or speaking up for yourself. All of these impediments are associated with this energy center.
Chakra hyperactivity can lead to excessive talking, speaking before thinking, chaotically jumping from thought to thought, and difficulties listening. These behaviors interfere with coherent and authentic thinking and communication.
Weakness or hypoactivity can manifest in shyness or trouble hearing or understanding your inner voice thus your inner truth.
Inability to Manifest Your Dreams
The inability to speak your truth and articulate what you want are obstacles to bringing your dreams to life. In addition, a weak or blocked Throat Chakra can lead to self-criticism and fear of being unable to fulfill intentions, enact plans, and manifest your dreams.
A weak chakra creates self-doubt and a lack of confidence. On the other hand, hyperactivity can be associated with hyper focus and rigidity, causing you to fail to see mistakes and missteps that require recalibration or redirection of your efforts.
A weak, hyper, or blocked center can obstruct your reception and accurate interpretation of intuition, psyche information, dream symbolism, and other spiritual guidance.
7 Ways You Can Promote Throat Chakra Healing
The following seven practices help rebalance the Throat Center and improve the flow of energy within, to, and from it.
- Tone with or chant the biga to attune the chakra energy to its vibration.
- Sing or hum in general.
- Perform deep breathing exercises that move the breath, chi, or prana through the Central Light Column and physical body.
- Journal to understand dream symbolism and articulate thoughts, emotions, and spiritual messages.
- Use aromatherapy to balance the Throat Chakra.
- Work with Throat Chakra healing stones such as Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Angelite, Aqua Aura, Turquoise, Blue Aventurine, Azurite, and Blue Apatite.
- Energy healing session, especially one that includes chakra theory and balancing or use of vibration such as drumming, rattling, singing bowls, tuning forks, or sound in other ways.
For Assistance With Balancing Your Throat Chakra, Speaking Your Truth, and Manifesting Your Dreams, See:
- My Mind Body Spirit Blog
My Spiritual Life Coaching and Energy Healing Sessions