Natural Healing and Wellness eBooks
Natural Healing and Wellness eBooks and eManuals strength or fine-tune your personal resources and support your self-healing. They help you help yourself to a healthier, more rewarding, and enjoyable life.
eBook Natural Healing and Wellness Series
Smudging: Setting a Clear, Safe and Protected Space (20 pages)
Smudging: Setting a Clear, Safe, and Protected Space
This Smudging and Setting a Safe Healing Space eBook is short and has a narrow focus: energetic clearing and setting a safe and protected healing space.
This natural healing and wellness eBook is for energy healers, spiritual practitioners, coaches, counselors, therapists, and anyone in the general public who is interested in creating a clear, safe, protective, and encouraging space or personal, healing, and spiritual work.
This eBook provides the reader with:
- A brief definition and introduction to what energy healing is.
- A short discussion of why setting a clear and safe space is important.
- An explanation of what smudging is.
- A note on the diverse origins of smudging.
- A brief description of smudging methods.
- A discussion of traditional plants used for clearing and setting a safe space.
- Illustrations of aromatherapy applications most appropriate for clearing and setting a safe space.
- A helpful reference table of all plants and essential oils mentioned, and their relevant properties.
- A discussion on the importance of the quality of essential oil smudging inputs.
- A short note on the use of sound and intention for clearing.
- A glossary.
- References for further study.
(Approximately 20 pages, depending on the format selected)
For more on my Energy Clearing With Smudging eBook
eBook Manuals Series
Western Usui Reiki Level I Manual
Western Usui Reiki Level I
This Western Usui Level I manual provides an excellent introduction to Reiki, and a thorough explanation and illustration of Western Usui Reiki Level I practice and techniques. It is an informative reference for practitioners and teaching complement for Master/Teachers of Western Usui Level I Reiki. The manual includes:
- An explanation of what energy work and Reiki is, and what Reiki is used for;
- A description of the history of Reiki;
- An explanation and illustrations of the hand positions for self-healing and both chair and table sessions for others;
- How to conduct self-healing and sessions for others and
- How to set a clear, safe, and protected healing space.
There are no prerequisites to purchase this manual, however, an attunement is required for the reader to be able to use the techniques and conduct healing sessions.
(Approximately 47 pages, depending on the format selected.)
Western Usui Reiki Level II Manual
Western Usui Reiki Level II
This Western Usui Level II manual provides a great reference for practitioners and offers an excellent and convenient teaching complement for Master/Teachers of Western Usui Reiki. The manual describes:
- The three-level II Western Usui symbols and their uses,
- How to create a clear and safe healing space,
- How to conduct a self-healing session and sessions for others,
- Distance healing and how to conduct a distance healing session and
- Western Usui healing techniques as well as several additional Traditional Reiki techniques.
There are no prerequisites to purchase this manual; however, Level I and Level II attunements are required for the reader to be able to use the techniques and conduct healing sessions.
(Approximately 30 pages, depending on the format selected.)
Western Usui Reiki Level III A/B (Master) Manual
Western Usui Reiki Level III
A/B (Master) Manual
This Western Usui Reiki Level III manual provides a great reference for practitioners and offers an excellent and convenient teaching complement for Master/Teachers of Western Usui Reiki.
The manual covers advanced techniques such as extraction (psychic surgery or deep aura cleansing), past life regression, healing attunements, several intuitive Eastern Usui techniques (e.g., Reiji-ho, Byosen, Kenyoku-ho, and Joshin Kokyu-ho), prolonged healing techniques, methods for setting a clear and safe healing space, detailed guidance on conducting sessions and tools for designing a Master practice.
The instructor section outlines Level I and II classes including decisions on useful practicum as well as detailed steps for conducting attainments.
There are no prerequisites to purchase this manual, however, Level I through III attunements are required for the reader to be able to use the techniques and conduct healing sessions.
(Approximately 65 pages, depending on the format selected).
Reiki For Dogs
Reiki For Dogs
This Reiki for Dogs manual is perfect for the individual who wants a good review of Reiki I and II self-healing and an orientation on how to work with dogs.
The manual provides all the information from Reiki Level I and II that is relevant to practicing Reiki on dog clients as well as a detailed section on how to work with dogs especially. The manual includes:
- An explanation of what energy healing and Reiki is, and what Reiki is used for;
- A description of the history of Reiki;
- An explanation and illustrations of self-healing;
- A description and explanation of how and when to use the three Reiki II symbols;
- How to approach and conduct a Reiki session for dog clients; and
- Dos and don'ts for working on dogs.
NOTE: because the content is related to working on dogs, content on human clients that is standard for Level I-II is omitted. The overall content is NOT equivalent to that required for Reiki I and II certification.
There are no prerequisites to purchase this manual; however, Level I and Level II attunements are required for the reader to be able to use the techniques and conduct healing sessions.
A Reiki Level I reader can still use the information to treat dogs, but not the Reiki symbols.
(Approximately 45 pages, depending on the format selected.)
Introduction to Shamanic Journeying
Introduction to Shamanic
This Introduction to Shamanic Journeying manual provides a basic introduction to shamanic journeying.
Journeying is often taught within a more complete study of traditional or indigenous culture and practice. That is not the intention here.
The course is offered to provide students with a tool to reach beyond their ordinary existence/reality and perception and connect with spirit in the broad sense for personal reflection, orientation and healing.
Readers are encouraged to use this manual as a reference and a complement to a class or workshop on shamanic journeying.
(Approximately 15 pages, depending on the format selected.)
eBook manuals are detailed, illustrated, and thorough. Please note, you must be attuned to channel Reiki. Reading a manual is not sufficient.
About My Natural Healing and Wellness eBooks and eManuals
eBooks cover specific energy work and natural healing and wellness topics. Most eBooks are brief, practical, and cover a specific topic.
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