I offer short informational and practical in-person and virtual personal growth, natural healing, and wellness workshops.
Some workshops introduce the general public and groups to alternative healing modalities. Through other events, I share the personal growth and development practices I use in my coaching and healing sessions, and participants gain new skills to self-administer.
For scheduled in-person or virtual natural healing and wellness workshops, see:
List of Current Events/Classes/Workshops
I schedule by request too. Contact me
Personal Growth/Self Discovery
Personal Growth and Self Discovery Workshops
Getting In Touch With the Inside:
This is a short workshop. It is for people with little or no experience in inner relating or sensing within the body. Guided meditation is used to get in touch with the body and develop inner awareness and embodied practice
The bulk of the time is spent on guided meditation, which uses breath and gentle muscle tension techniques. However, there is ample time to share and for questions and answers.
For more on this workshop, see:
Living From the Inside Out
Participants gain an introduction to what is meant by the "whole mind:" the thinking, analytical mind, and the embodied- or body-mind.
They experience how to tune into their bodies and what their bodies are communicating. The alignment with their whole intelligence more fully resources them on their personal growth and development journey.
Participants will also learn an easy, in-the-moment technique for tapping into the body-mind and discuss how this technique can be used regularly in everyday situations to improve decision making and live more authentically.
For more on this workshop, see:
Thinking Outside the Box
Participants are guided and learn to use a variety of mind-body-spirit and right-brain (creative) techniques as well as somatic and inner relating practices to facilitate envisioning and innovative thinking, problem-solving, and creative decision making.
The content of this workshop will vary from time to time, giving participants an opportunity to take it again, practice some techniques they know, learn some new ones, and continue to share with others.
Meditation and Breathing for Stress Reduction and Greater Clarity
Participants learn several simple breathing techniques that help reduce stress, instill positive feeling states and entrain their minds and bodies to these states from which they can achieve more calm and coherence, gain clarity and identify fresh workable solutions and options.
For more on this workshop, see:
Mind Shift: Releasing Thoughts That No Longer Serve You
This is a hands-on, mostly practice workshop. It is NOT about affirmations or blocking thoughts.
Participants receive a brief introduction to a straightforward effective method of challenging and releasing limiting beliefs. The method is based on a systematic inquiry into one's own narratives, assessment of real evidence, and identification of credible alternatives.
The new perspective that arises through the inquiry is what relinquishes the original limiting beliefs.
For more on this workshop, see:
Authentic Women Living From the Inside Out - 
This is a Virtual (Zoom-Based) Group event.
This is a group dedicated to showing up more whole and more authentic: that's who we are on the inside. So, if you want to learn more about who that person really is and bring her out into the world more confidently, this is the place for you.
At our events, we'll learn some great practices as well as offer encouragement to each other to consistently use them in our everyday lives. Each meetup will have a specific theme and practice related to authenticity.
As your organizer, I have ideas for these sessions, but I welcome yours as well.
This is a group about women sharing, helping each other, and becoming more and more who they really are in countless ways.
If you're here, you're here to do the work with compassion and commitment
Energy Healing
Energy Healing
What is Reiki: Introduction and
Participants learn what Reiki is and have an opportunity to ask questions. One participant will receive a Reiki treatment as a demonstration.
This is an excellent way to learn what Reiki is and what a session is like. The workshop may be of interest to potential Reiki clients and students, spas, and wellness centers interested in offering Reiki and health care professionals. This is not a certification or level I class.
This is a two-hour event including presentation, demonstrations, and ample Q&A.
For more information on Reiki certification classes, see:
- My list of Reiki classes
- My full Reiki Level I, II, or III classes.
What Is Integrated Energy Therapy
In this workshop, we'll cover what IET is, what issues and intentions it's especially good for. We'll discuss what in-person and virtual sessions are like. And, for those interested, how can you learn it.
IET is a mind-body-spirit practice and laying of the hands-on energy healing modality that combines energy channeling and specific pressure points.
Clients are able to work safely on past traumas without having to relive them. IET is therefore particularly useful for addressing deeper emotional or mental issues, breaking habits, and creating new life patterns and paths.
IET can be combined with other healing modalities such as Reiki, ThetaHealing®, and integrated coaching.
- Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is used to:
- Clears or modifies unwanted recurrent or chronic mental, emotional, or behavioral patterns.
- Imprints new desirable patterns or intentions.
- Clears blockages—physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
- Releases past traumas in a gentle and supportive way, without re-experiencing them.
- Supports the process of change initiated by loss, necessity, or personal choice.
- Reduces stress/anxiety and physical, emotional, mental, and energetic impacts of stress.
- Helps clarify personal and spiritual paths.
- Helps connect one to energies and people with complementary and supportive intentions.
- Achieves and maintains balance and integration
This is a one and a half-hour event including presentation, practice, sharing, and Q&A. For more information, see my page on IET or contact me.
Smudging: Setting a Clear, Safe Space (1.5 hours)
In this semi-informal workshop, we'll get familiar with herbs, essential oils, and hydrosols and their applications for smudging and setting a clear and protected space.
We'll talk about what smudging is, traditional plants used, and aromatherapy (essential oil) applications using the same and some alternative plants.
As time permits, we'll also cover quality standards, input sources, blending, and using different plant species to add expanded or refined intentions to the smudge.
The workshop is taught by a certified aromatherapist, Master/Teacher energy healer, and a Master Gardener.
Any links and handouts will be sent in advance.
This is a one and a half-hour event including presentation, practice, sharing, and Q&A. For more information, contact me.
Essential Oils For Energy and Spiritual Healers and Practitioners (2 hours)
Essential Oils for Energy and Spiritual Healers and Practitioners
I'll share with you my knowledge and experience as a certified aromatherapist, coach, and energy healer.
The subtle (energetic and spiritual) attributes of essential oils and aromatherapy applications are typically under-appreciated or misunderstood.
Some attributes include relaxation, clearing, setting safe and protected spaces, raising vibrations, grounding, facilitating introspection, and more.
Participants will be introduced to a group of essential oils and applications of particular interest to spiritual and energy healers and practitioners. The importance of plant and essential oil quality will also be discussed.
The intention is to open participants focus on ways to support clients and themselves, and whet the appetite for more. Normally in-person versions of the workshop allow for experiencing aromatics, which isn't possible in the virtual space. However, participants will be oriented on how to begin experimenting for themselves.
This is a two-hour event including presentation, discussion, and ample Q&A. For more information, contact me.
For more Energy Healing Options, see:
- Subtle Aromatherapy workshops
- Certification classes for energy healing modalities
Subtle Aromatherapy
Subtle Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy for Energy Healing — short course (2 hours)
Aromatics (essential oils, hydrosols, resins, etc) and subtle aromatherapy has been used in spiritual practice, shamanism, and energy work for 1,000s of years.
This workshop is for energy workers focuses on incorporating both energetic and therapeutic aromatics and aromatherapy products into energy work sessions.
Participants learn how aromatics can be used to support their work as a practitioner, their client's healing experience, and both's well-being. For example, participants learn how to create a clean and protected space and enhance the energetic qualities of a session.
Some common energetic essential oils are discussed. Subtle aromatherapy is emphasized, but complementary therapeutic blends and products are discussed as well.
The workshop exposes participates to aromatics and aromatherapy with an informed and hands-on approach and provides a set of practical applications that the participants can readily incorporate into their practice.
This is a two-hour workshop including a presentation, demonstration, and ample Q&A. For more information, contact me.
NOTE: All participants must be energy workers.
Aromatherapy for Meditation and Spiritual Work (Length and Content Varies)
The course content and duration of this workshop can vary considerably depending on the participants and their interest in various topics.
Participants learn how aromatics (essential oils and hydrosols) work on the body, mind, and spirit and gain an appreciation for how aromatics have been used for 1,000s of years for spiritual work.
The workshop typically includes a short meditation accompanied by a wonderfully supportive aromatic diffuser blend and/or an opportunity to sense into a series of essential oil scents.
The course can be modified for a specific audience - practitioners of different healing modalities, spiritual groups, community groups, etc. For more information, contact me.
Aromatherapy for Shamanic Journeying and Visualization — short course (2 hours)
Aromatics have been used in spiritual practice, shamanism, and energy work for 1,000s of years. This workshop focuses on incorporating essential oils and blends, a variety of liquid smudges, resins, and herbs, healing spritzes, anointing oils, and other products (subtle aromatherapy) for shamanic journeying and visualization.
Students learn how aromatics can be used to clear spaces, add protection, enhance energetic qualities/vibrations, and support the intentions of the journey work for the client as well as the practitioner. Information on the application of specific aromatic blends for the different cycles of the moon can be added to the workshop content.
The workshop exposes participants to aromatics and aromatherapy with an informed and hands-on approach and provides a set of practical applications that the participants can readily incorporate into their practice.
This is a one-and-a-half-hour event. For more information, contact me.
NOTE: All participants must be energy workers.
For those interested in learning how to journey, see my Introduction to Shamanic Journeying class.
Smudging: Setting a Clear, Safe Space (1.5 hours)
In this semi-informal workshop, we'll get familiar with herbs, essential oils, and hydrosols and their applications for smudging and setting a clear and protected space.
We'll talk about what smudging is, traditional plants used, and aromatherapy (essential oil) applications using the same and some alternative plants.
As time permits, we'll also cover quality standards, input sources, blending, and using different plant species to add expanded or refined intentions to the smudge.
The workshop is taught by a certified aromatherapist, Master/Teacher energy healer, and a Master Gardener.
Any links and handouts will be sent in advance.
This is a one-and-a-half-hour event including presentation, practice, sharing, and Q&A. For more information, contact me.
Basic Aromatherapy Workshops and Presentations
Basic Aromatherapy Workshops and Presentations
I've chosen to use and share my aromatherapy knowledge and experience through workshops and presentations for targeted groups and the general public rather than offering certification courses, of which there are already numerous online and in-person programs.
My aim is to promote good practice and to counter the abundance of misinformation offered by advertisers and sales representatives.
Aromatherapy: It's Not Just Smell
Participants learn what aromatherapy is and how it works on the mind and body. Participants learn about our wonderful and unique sense of smell and how aromatherapy can support better health and wellness.
They have an opportunity to sense a group of very different essential oils.
Aromatherapy for Stress and Anxiety
Participants learn how aromatics affect the mind and body and how using aromatherapy can help one de-stress and restore balance. Participants learn about effective and convenient methods for managing stress and anxiety and have an opportunity to experience different aromatics (essential oils) and blends. Workshop content can be tailored to the workplace or home.
Aromatherapy, Emotions, and Healing
Participants receive a brief introduction to how aromatherapy affects the mind and emotions. Common emotional issues such as depression, grief, and fear are discussed as well as essential oils, blends, and applications that address these issues and support other healing modalities.
Participants have an opportunity to experience different essential oils and blends. The content of this workshop can be tailored to health professionals, alternative and complementary healers, or the general public.
Getting a Good Night's Sleep: Dos and Don'ts and Aroma Relaxation
Participants receive tips on what behaviors tend to help and hinder sleep; learn about didn't techniques such as acupressure points, yoga positions, progressive relaxation, breathing, and visualization; and experience three relaxation techniques blended with a soft relaxing aromatic diffusion (Aroma Relaxation).
Aromatherapy for Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers
This work focuses on gentle natural aromatherapy for many common symptoms and side effects of cancer as well as how to use aromatherapy for reducing stress and instilling greater ease and relaxation. The content covers information for both those living with cancer and for cancer caregivers. Applications and safety precautions are discussed.
Customized Personal Growth and Natural Healing and Wellness Workshops
Customized Personal Growth and Natural Healing and Wellness Workshops
I custom design and offer a wide variety of personal growth and natural healing and wellness workshops. These include topics on personal growth, self-development, self-discovery, energy healing, aromatherapy, meditation, and shamanism.
Workshops are designed and adapted to different audiences, including:
- Energy Healers,
- Other healing practitioners (e.g., massage therapists, coaches),
- Health professionals and psychotherapists, and
- The general public.
Workshops described on this page are illustrative of the types of workshops I offer. Each provides participants with new knowledge and skills, and an opportunity to work on themselves.
Workshop Cancelation Policy
Workshop Cancelation Policy
I do not offer refunds unless I cancel a mini-workshop (1 to 2 hours in length) or Reiki Share. I incur costs whether an event is held or not.
Note also that, for in-person events, I do not necessarily follow DC or Montgomery County weather closures.
Contact me/Starchaser before 12 noon on the day of the event if you need to confirm the status.