Mind Body Spirit Blog

Mind Body SpiritMore and more people recognize the importance of mind, body and spirit integration in your personal and professional life. This blog aims to support greater integration for your healing, wellness, and personal enrichment.

This blog is eclectic. My posts mix informative and fun ideas. Many posts are single topic-focused such as energy healing, mind-body-spirit coachingnatural healing and wellness, shamanism, and subtle aromatherapy. But, increasingly, I weave together a variety of interesting and empowering topics to create an integrated whole.

After all, we are all one integrated mind-body-spirit.


The Problem With Perfectionism

The Problem With Perfectionism

Perfection can be a blessing. However, it can be a curse. This is the problem with perfectionism Imperfect Perfectionism On the one hand, we hold in high regard a person who strives for perfection in the form of excellent quality and success. For example, corporate business and sports place a premium on these attributes. Additionally, […]

How Reiki and IET Energy Healing Modalities Compare

How Reiki and IET Energy Healing Modalities Compare

People often ask me to compare my energy healing modalities such as Reiki healing energy, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), ThetaHealing, subtle aromatherapy, and Shamanic practices. They ask me to point out which is best for what. By far, Reiki and IET are the most well-known. Consequently, clients request these energy-healing modalities more often. Therefore, we’ll take a […]

Smoke Free Smudges For Respiratory Conditions and Allergies to Smoke

Smoke Free Smudges For Respiratory Conditions and Allergies to Smoke

The Difficulties With Traditional Smudging For most people, smudging means clearing energy with traditional dried-herb smudge sticks or smoldering resins. (For more on What is Smudging, link to my blog post.) Unfortunately, these common practices are associated with some health risks and discomfort due to the associated smoke. As smudging grows in popularity, so does […]

7 Benefits of Empowering Staff to Make Decisions

7 Benefits of Empowering Staff to Make Decisions

Staff development is not a new organizational theme. The Training Institute estimates that in 2019 alone, learning organizations spent $3.5 billion on Global Leadership Development. However, a look at staff empowerment, an aspect of staff development, deserves particular attention; not the least because millennials clamor for it more than the staff of their predecessor generations […]