Mind Body Spirit Blog

Mind Body SpiritMore and more people recognize the importance of mind, body and spirit integration in your personal and professional life. This blog aims to support greater integration for your healing, wellness, and personal enrichment.

This blog is eclectic. My posts mix informative and fun ideas. Many posts are single topic-focused such as energy healing, mind-body-spirit coachingnatural healing and wellness, shamanism, and subtle aromatherapy. But, increasingly, I weave together a variety of interesting and empowering topics to create an integrated whole.

After all, we are all one integrated mind-body-spirit.


How You Can Heal Yourself – 7 Ways to Take Charge and Do It Your Way

How You Can Heal Yourself – 7 Ways to Take Charge and Do It Your Way

You can heal yourself. In fact, patient-centered self-healing is the foundation of many ancient and modern holistic health and wellness modalities. Although shamans and traditional medicine women and men provided their assistance, people still had to ultimately heal themselves. Of course, some people bounced back, while others recuperated slowly or never fully recovered. Although the […]

The Downside of Imposter Syndrome At Work

The Downside of Imposter Syndrome At Work

Imposter Syndrome At Work What’s Imposter Syndrome? Some of your top performers may be struggling with imposter syndrome at work. You definitely want to address this. Here’s why. Imposter syndrome (IS) is extremely common and present in all types of workplaces (Bravata, et al). KPMG LLP‘s research notes that IS afflicts 75 percent of female […]