Mind Body Spirit Blog
More and more people recognize the importance of mind, body and spirit integration in your personal and professional life. This blog aims to support greater integration for your healing, wellness, and personal enrichment.
This blog is eclectic. My posts mix informative and fun ideas. Many posts are single topic-focused such as energy healing, mind-body-spirit coaching, natural healing and wellness, shamanism, and subtle aromatherapy. But, increasingly, I weave together a variety of interesting and empowering topics to create an integrated whole.
After all, we are all one integrated mind-body-spirit.
When you get over the limiting belief that sending healing energy over time and space is impossible, and realize that other forms of energy such as light can and do travel through time and space, you’ll open yourself up to many new and advantageous opportunities. For example, you’ll be able to influence and improve your […]
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When faced with a decision, have you considered how to make good decisions and whether you make the best choices for you? Does Your Way of Making Choices Work For You? How many times have you agonized over a decision only to ultimately impulsively make a choice? Have you ever thoroughly analyzed a choice to […]
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Everyone goes through life turning experiences and lessons learned into reusable mental snippets like thoughts and beliefs. Generally, this is a good thing because these snippets help speed up your mental processing of new but related events or decisions. However, these thoughts and beliefs can also restrict what you register and consider when experiencing and […]
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Having and maintaining focus, working with clarity and ease, and manifesting your intentions depend on clear energy and good flow. Therefore, you need to learn how to clear your energy. Clearing Your Energy Clear energy promotes a grounded, centered sense of spaciousness and ease. Additionally, clearing your energy can shift your mood, clarify your thinking, and […]
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The process of change is like the lunar cycle. First, the Moon is emblematic of change itself. Second, as it transitions through its regular stages from one New Moon to the next, its energy and influence embody the classic model of the evolution of personal change. This might sound hokey, woo-woo, or New Age. However, […]
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Some people struggle with being authentic or what’s also known as being true to yourself. Ad blasts, streaming social media trends, and influencer hype can easily suck them in and make them loose track of time and self. Perhaps you also get caught up in this sometimes. Do you feverishly follow the latest fades and […]
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