Mind Body Spirit Blog
More and more people recognize the importance of mind, body and spirit integration in your personal and professional life. This blog aims to support greater integration for your healing, wellness, and personal enrichment.
This blog is eclectic. My posts mix informative and fun ideas. Many posts are single topic-focused such as energy healing, mind-body-spirit coaching, natural healing and wellness, shamanism, and subtle aromatherapy. But, increasingly, I weave together a variety of interesting and empowering topics to create an integrated whole.
After all, we are all one integrated mind-body-spirit.
For the best healing results, start with a clean, clear, and safe healing space. This is true no matter the type of healer or healing service provided. Many healers and clients alike don’t recognize the importance of the space surrounding the healing process. Find out why you should care. The Session Settings Can Support or […]
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The Heart Chakra or Anahata is best known for its association with love, joy, compassion, acceptance, connection, balance, and heart-centered spiritual and healing practices. Given these associations, the chakra’s significant role in personal and spiritual development is easily understood. Of course, it works closely with other chakras (e.g., sacral, throat, and crown) that also contribute […]
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Reiki Principles encourage you to be present (in the present moment) and to open the channel. First, they take you out of your head and open you to sensing both the energy and inside yourself. Second, they create the best frame of mind and body to access your intuition and clairsenses (clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, etc). […]
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Variations on steps on how to reinvent yourself are abundantly accessible through a quick Internet search. But, typically the steps aren’t easy to implement, thus don’t yield the results you want. While a good framework, there’s more to it than following steps. So, what’s the key to reinventing yourself and being a better you? Your Mindset […]
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Your chakra system, or subtle life force energy, governs your spirituality and spiritual growth. Among other functions, chakras individually or collectively serve as a gateway into spiritual realms and varied forms of spiritual connection. Chakras and Your Spirituality Your chakras are energy centers located in your central light column that runs along your spine. The […]
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The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is the uppermost energy center within a seven-chakra system. It’s a critical energy center for personal and spiritual growth. It also has an overarching role in balancing and regulating the body primarily through the endocrine system (hormones). This blog post provides all you need to know about the Crown Center […]
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