Karuna Reiki logo, ICRT
Not all types of Reiki healing energy are the same. Each form of Reiki (Usui, Karuna, etc.) has distinct qualities, healing techniques, and strengths. As a Master Reiki practitioner of ten forms of Reiki, I like to blend them to create an enriched healing session derived from the attributes best suited for a specific situation and particular client. However, this blog post explores how I would experience Karuna Reiki if it were a purely Karuna session. I cover the other forms in similarly dedicated blog posts.
See my active Mind Body Spirit blog for more on Reiki, the different types of Reiki, and other energy healing modalities and applications.
Experiencing Karuna Reiki®
This blog post is from the Karuna Master practitioner’s point of view, not necessarily the client’s. However, clients will be able to understand and appreciate the nuanced description of the quality of Karuna energy and its unique strengths and applications in a healing session.
In addition, I mention several unique Karuna techniques, e.g., past-life regression and future-life progression.
It’s important to stress, that everyone perceives or experiences and responds to energy differently. Therefore, it’s difficult to generalize the sense, experience, and effect of healing energy. The information presented here is a personal account.
Vibrational Quality of Karuna
As with most Reiki sessions, the Karuna energy is subtle but palpable. At times, it has a perceptible vibrational quality. With the addition of rhythmic sounds such as Shamanic drums, healing crystal bowls, or tunning folks the healing can feel more harmonized and profoundly deep and spiritual.
While the energy goes physically deep but in a gentle and alluring way, it draws my clients and me into the healing process.
Combining Karuna and sound in nature can create a significant connection to other beings and natural elements. I’ve experienced the connection to birds and other animals, even plants. Energy is a universal language and means of communication.
Reiki as Compassionate Action
Karuna is a Sanskrit word. It can be translated to “compassionate action” (International Center for Reiki Training – ICRT). Karuna symbols give the practitioner many tools to work with clients on emotional issues and deep-seated patterns in a compassionate and non-threatening way. Karuna treatment provides versatile healing to match the client’s needs.
I feel heart-centered and attuned to my breath when practicing or receiving Karuna. Several Karuna symbols help instill feelings of peace, love, and connection. For example, when I use the peace symbol, I feel a palatable calm and serenity embracing my client and myself. I describe this as a whole sense. It’s something beyond what is localized in my hands.
These symbols and the quality of Karuna make it ideal for working on relationships of all kinds or only issues derived from past relationships.
Karuna Classes
Karuna classes are only available to Reiki practitioners who have achieved Master level training in some form of Usui Reiki.
Although Karuna attunements are designed to activate access to specific frequencies of life-force energy of Reiki (Karuna frequencies) similar to other Reiki classes, I’ve used non-activating healing attunements during healing treatments
Karuna Attunements
Karuna Reiki attunements are complicated and require a lot of focus, unlike Usui Reiki attunements, which are more rhythmic and like a dance or trance, or Sekhem-Seichim (SSR) attunements, which are more dramatic, emotive, and at times mystical.
How I Experience Other Forms Of Reiki
See my six other posts on how I experience six of the eight types of Reiki I practice:
- Eastern/Traditional Usui (Gendai, developed by Hiroshi Doi, feels very similar to this one, although many healing techniques differ. It’s a Usui derivative.)
- Western Usui (the most common in the USA),
- Usui/Tibetan Reiki, (Holy Fire II will be posted shortly)
- Sekhem-Seichim (SSR),
- Karuna,
- Reiki Tummo (I practice but don’t teach)
I haven’t yet composed blog posts for the other three forms, Gendai, Lightarian, and Shamanic Reiki. The latter is also referred to as Reiki Shamanism. If you’re interested in learning about these two forms, check back soon.
If interested in yet another modality of energy healing, see How I Experience Integrated Energy Therapy (IET),
Updated September 28, 2024