All living things are attuned to the lunar phases and the quality of moon energy associated with each phase (i.e., full moon energy). You are too. Using Full Moon Energy Animals and plants entrain themselves with lunar cycles and rhythms. Sardines lay their eggs on the full moon. Predators prefer dark new moons for hunting, […]
Category Archives: Transform Yourself
Waning Moon Rituals to Help You Let Go
The lunar phase of the Waning Moon is all about clearing, letting go, and creating space for something new. You can create Waning Moon rituals during this lunar phase when you want to boost your intentions to release something, clear blockages and sticky resistance, or open space for something new.
Going Beyond the Vision Board: Fulfilling Intentions
Why Focus on Going Beyond the Vision Board Lots of people are familiar with vision boards. They know them to be great dreaming and scheming tools. These boards can also serve as reminders and reinforce commitments. Furthermore, some people use them in manifestation-focused spiritual rituals. Of course, any real change or transformation requires the board creator […]
Waxing Moon Rituals to Support Something New
Waxing Moon rituals harness the energy of the waxing phase of the lunar cycle to improve focus and reinforce intentions about undertaking something new. This could be a new relationship, job, hobby, routine, etc. Rituals help you align with and benefit from the energetic content of your current context, manage your commitment, take note and […]
Worthiness and the Sacral Chakra | Healing With Chakras
Many people, especially women, struggle with feelings of unworthiness or not being good enough. According to a study quoted in Forbes, 70 percent of Americans have suffered from imposter syndrome, an expression of unworthiness, at some point in their lives. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well and would like to change this way of thinking […]
The Key to A Meaningful Life In Retirement?
Who doesn’t want to have a meaningful life in retirement? Everyone does. But, how do you know what will be meaningful to you as you head toward your retirement years? The answer is fairly straightforward. Look inside yourself. A Meaningful life Only you can find meaning for yourself. And, the only way you can do […]