This post is about how to be your authentic self with the help of three simple heart-centered techniques. Your Authentic Self Anyone can live more from their heart, their embodied wisdom, and from a more personally authentic place. All you need is to be intentional about it and practice tuning into yourself, especially your heart […]
Category Archives: Transform Yourself
A Guide to Developing a Sense of Self (Self-Concept)
So you’re aware of your self-image and self-identity. But, what are the chances you think you have an accurate sense of self or self-concept when you don’t? One source says it’s very likely. Dr Tasha Eurich in her new book, states that while 95 percent of people claim to be self-aware, only 10-15 percent of […]
Why Embodiment is Important For Self-Awareness
First things first. We need to define embodiment and its critical contribution (e.g., embodied intelligence) to our full intelligence or whole mind before we jump into why embodiment is important to self-awareness. What’s Embodiment The word embodiment means to express a thing, feeling, quality, experience, or idea in a tangible or visible form. However, even more […]
Chakra System Balance | A Key to Living Well
When people think of the chakras they think of meditation, spirituality, and Eastern religion. But the chakra system, as we’ll see here, is also central to health, wellness, and living well. This blog assumes the reader is familiar with the chakras, but I offer a quick refresher here. For more on what are the chakras, […]
Your Embodied Brain and 3 Ways to Get to Know It
Your embodied brain or body-brain is fundamental to how you experience, react, remember, think, form intentions, and act. It contributes more to your whole intelligence than your head brain. What’s the Embodied Brain You may know it as the body-brain, embodied brain, embodied cognition, body-mind, or embodied mind. But, for our purposes, they’re the same. […]
For Holistic Healing | Blend Energy Work With Coaching
Add coaching to energy work to enhance the outcome and create a more sustainable holistic healing and spiritual experience. In my practice and personal experience, I’ve seen many different healing methods that address the same issue or complaint. Sometimes the results are the same but they can often vary among clients and practitioners. As a […]