Svadhisthana | The Orange Chakra

Svadhisthana | The Orange Chakra

Of all the chakras, your Svadhisthana or Orange Chakra is the primary energy center influencing the development of your internal awareness, sense of self, and self-worth. This is not surprising given that it governs your emotions and the emotional layer of your aura. It’s also the power center of your subtle life-force energy and overall chakra […]

Gain The Power of Self Discovery From Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Gain The Power of Self Discovery From Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is the primary energy center defining your power of self-discovery. As such it’s an essential determinant of how you live your life and how it ultimately unfolds. What’s Self-Discovery Self-discovery is about increasing your exposure to new things to gain insights into yourself and your character. For some, it opens a […]

Embodied Cognition | What Will Make You Smarter

Embodied Cognition | What Will Make You Smarter

Your embodied cognition refers to how your body contributes to your thinking. First, the body influences how the cerebral cortex (of the head brain) of the human brain acquires, evaluates, and processes information. Second, the body itself has a completely different way of thinking, called the body-brain. It experiences and processes the wholeness of its […]