Manipura | Yellow Chakra and Willpower Empowerment

Manipura | Yellow Chakra and Willpower Empowerment

Following through on your desired change and achieving your goals require willpower, especially when you face challenges that require perseverance. Your Manipura, also known as Yellow Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra, is the energy center governing and empowering your willpower. Eye On the Prize Willpower is an essential attribute. But, will and power aren’t synonymous […]

The Power Of Positive Thinking And Self Talk

The Power Of Positive Thinking And Self Talk

Positive thinking and self-talk are two of the most powerful self-resources. Positive self-talk encourages you to think positively because when you reflect favorably about yourself and your abilities, you assess situations more favorably. This cultivates a positive (growth) mindset and greater optimism. Thus, you tend to see and seize more opportunities for yourself, and more […]

Negative Self Talk | Why You Want To Avoid It And How to Change It

Negative Self Talk | Why You Want To Avoid It And How to Change It

You talk and listen to yourself decidedly more than anyone else. The chatter runs continuously from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep. Talking to yourself is normal and helpful, but negative self-talk can be draining, stressful, and even crippling. Learn how to avoid and change negative self-talk. Objective Self-Criticism Or Habital Self-Harm […]

Getting Into Theta Guided Meditation

Getting Into Theta Guided Meditation

This Getting Into Theta guided meditation takes the listener into a theta brain state characterized by theta brain waves or a theta frequency. Brain Waves and Meditation The brain is electrical and filled with neural networks. Brain frequencies constantly shift throughout the day and night. Certain states, or ranges of brain wave frequencies, are more prevalent during […]

Tame Your Monkey Mind

Tame Your Monkey Mind

Sleep is a natural human thing. Therefore, it should come naturally. But, if you’re like most people living in this busy, stressful world, you’ve found it hard sometimes to turn off your thinking mind, quiet negative thoughts, relax, and fall asleep. Your mental chatter is what many call the “monkey mind.” And to get good […]