Aromatherapy to Reduce Stress

Aromatherapy to Reduce Stress

Aromatherapy offers wonderful all-natural plant-based options to reduce stress and promote rest and relaxation. Aromatherapy to reduce stress can be applied individually with a scented roll on or warm aromatic bath. Or it can be applied in a space such as the living or whole house to create a calmer, more relaxing atmosphere for everyone, even during the holidays.

Aromatherapy Baths

Aromatherapy Baths

Aromatherapy baths are a great way to relax and enjoy some personal pampering. Depending on the essential oils used, aromatherapy baths can treat the skin, improve circulation, transform moods and revitalize. With the right choice of high-quality essential oils used in the right way, an aromatic or aromatherapy bath can be healing and transformative. Learn which essential oils and carriers to use.

Aromatherapy Foot Bath – Easy, Flexible Personal Spa!

Aromatherapy Foot Bath – Easy, Flexible Personal Spa!

Aromatherapy foot baths are so under-appreciated, but they can be a super easy, flexible, relaxing and health promoting personal spa treatment – a wonderful way of pampering yourself. A foot bath can be a nice alternative to a soak in the tub when you don’t have a tub or you don’t have enough time. Even when you’re super busy and have no time at all, you can still do something good for yourself by taking a quick foot soak. It doesn’t even need to take extra time out of your day.