Make Sure Your New Year’s Resolution Vision Board Transforms Your Coming Year

Make Sure Your New Year’s Resolution Vision Board Transforms Your Coming Year

A New Year’s resolution vision board helps you dream and scheme and put positive energy behind your intentions. A Declaration of Your Intentions In a sense, the board is a tangible declaration of commitment to your hopes and dreams. Once they’re declared or posted on your board, you can hone them into more specific goals, […]

Manipura | Yellow Chakra and Willpower Empowerment

Manipura | Yellow Chakra and Willpower Empowerment

Following through on your desired change and achieving your goals require willpower, especially when you face challenges that require perseverance. Your Manipura, also known as Yellow Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra, is the energy center governing and empowering your willpower. Eye On the Prize Willpower is an essential attribute. But, will and power aren’t synonymous […]