Treat the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Naturally

Treat the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Naturally

Because everything is made of energy, including us, energetic healing modalities such as crystals, sound, and plants are used to tone the chakras and promote good balance and health. Plants, in particular, possess diverse attributes to treat or balance the Solar Plexus Chakra naturally. Here, we discuss Solar Plexus essential oils in particular Energy imbalances […]

Svadhisthana | The Orange Chakra

Svadhisthana | The Orange Chakra

Of all the chakras, your Svadhisthana or Orange Chakra is the primary energy center influencing the development of your internal awareness, sense of self, and self-worth. This is not surprising given that it governs your emotions and the emotional layer of your aura. It’s also the power center of your subtle life-force energy and overall chakra […]