Aromatherapy Baths

Aromatherapy Baths

Aromatherapy baths are a great way to relax and enjoy some personal pampering. Depending on the essential oils used, aromatherapy baths can treat the skin, improve circulation, transform moods and revitalize. With the right choice of high-quality essential oils used in the right way, an aromatic or aromatherapy bath can be healing and transformative. Learn which essential oils and carriers to use.

What Are Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils?

What Are Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils?

Some essential oils brands claim to offer certified therapeutic grade essential oils and blends. Their potential customers often ask if is this possible? Is this true? The answer is simple – there are no certified therapeutic grade essential 0ils! There is no nationally or internationally recognized body, such as an independent certification board, that certifies […]