The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura is the third energy center and exerts the greatest influence over personal power, self-esteem, and, by extension, self-confidence. The energies of different chakras within the overall chakra system tend to comingle and co-create. Still, each energy center has its primary roles and relationships concerning your mind-body-spirit health and well-being. […]
Category Archives: Featured
Getting Into Theta Guided Meditation
This Getting Into Theta guided meditation takes the listener into a theta brain state characterized by theta brain waves or a theta frequency. Brain Waves and Meditation The brain is electrical and filled with neural networks. Brain frequencies constantly shift throughout the day and night. Certain states, or ranges of brain wave frequencies, are more prevalent during […]
How I Experience Eastern or Traditional Usui Reiki
Not all Reiki healing sessions are the same. However, Usui Reiki is, without question, the most well-known and broadly practiced form of Reiki, at least in the United States. But, it’s also divided into two main schools or lineages: Traditional (Eastern) and Western Usui Reiki. This blog describes how I experience Eastern or Traditional Usui […]
Tame Your Monkey Mind
Sleep is a natural human thing. Therefore, it should come naturally. But, if you’re like most people living in this busy, stressful world, you’ve found it hard sometimes to turn off your thinking mind, quiet negative thoughts, relax, and fall asleep. Your mental chatter is what many call the “monkey mind.” And to get good […]
How I experience Karuna Reiki®
Not all types of Reiki healing energy are the same. Each form of Reiki (Usui, Karuna, etc.) has distinct qualities, healing techniques, and strengths. As a Master Reiki practitioner of ten forms of Reiki, I like to blend them to create an enriched healing session derived from the attributes best suited for a specific situation […]
Relax, Ground, and Clear the Mind Guided Meditation
If you’re like most people managing hectic or stressful lives, you sometimes need help to clear your mind, ground, and center to reduce your stress. But, when the need arises, you don’t always have the time or opportunity to engage in your favorite self-care remedies like running, yoga, or massage – just like 71 percent […]