Resilience in Today’s Pressure-Cooker World

Resilience in Today’s Pressure-Cooker World

Change is a normal part of life and a certain amount of change is expected. And, we humans have resilience and are hard-wired to adjust and rebalance to an ever-changing environment. It’s A Pressure-Cooker World But, nowadays we lead super fast-paced and stressful lives packed with responsibilities and demands. We’re constantly bombarded with information, enticements, distractions […]

Why Bosses Shouldn’t Coach

Why Bosses Shouldn’t Coach

Coaching Is Innately Personal Coaching is more personal than mentoring. It requires an objective and supportive space. This allows staff to: feel comfortable, honestly self-reflect, challenge their thinking, broaden their perceptions, and modify their perspectives and behaviors. In fact, productive coaching sessions initiated around professional issues often veer off into underlying personal matters. Staff needs to […]

What’s Smudging – Using Essential Oils for Clearing Energy

What’s Smudging – Using Essential Oils for Clearing Energy

One way that spiritual and energy workers purify themselves and clear negative energy from a treatment room or sacred space is by smudging with natural herbs. Here, you’ll learn about using essential oils for clearing energy – natural aromatic oils extracted from these same plants. Using Essential Oils for Clearing Energy Native Americans and Tibetan Buddhists […]

Aromatherapy for the Spring Equinox – Rebirth and Sowing Seeds for Change

Aromatherapy for the Spring Equinox – Rebirth and Sowing Seeds for Change

In the northern hemisphere, March 20th marks the Spring or Vernal Equinox.  Twice a year the earth’s equator crosses the center of the sun creating a day where daylight and night are approximately the same duration. Hence the term “equi,” which means equal in Latin. Those two days of “equal” night and day are called: 1) the spring […]