7 Benefits of Empowering Staff to Make Decisions

7 Benefits of Empowering Staff to Make Decisions

Staff development is not a new organizational theme. The Training Institute estimates that in 2019 alone, learning organizations spent $3.5 billion on Global Leadership Development. However, a look at staff empowerment, an aspect of staff development, deserves particular attention; not the least because millennials clamor for it more than the staff of their predecessor generations […]

Eight Ways to Reduce Virtual Workplace Overwhelm

Eight Ways to Reduce Virtual Workplace Overwhelm

Virtual Workplace Overwhelm Managers are concerned about how to reduce virtual workplace overwhelm. Compounding Stressors: Workplaces were stressful even before the onset of the pandemic. According to the American Institute of Stress, 80 percent of US workers experienced stress on the job, and 26 percent reported that they were often or very often burned out or […]