What Are the Chakras

What Are the Chakras

Chakras are fundamental to your health and well-being. Therefore, you definitely want to know what are the chakras and what they do. To start with, get a basic understanding of what they are and how they relate to your physical body. But don’t stop there because their influence is holistic and extends throughout your mind, body, […]

3 Self Discovery Techniques To Invigorate Your Journey

3 Self Discovery Techniques To Invigorate Your Journey

Even the most curious and deeply soul-searching individual can hit a wall along their journey of self-discovery. At these times a couple of good self-discovery techniques can kick-start and rejuvenate the process. Self-Discovery Is A Winding Journey Self-discovery is about increasing your exposure to new things to gain insights into yourself and your character. In […]

Reiki For Dogs Manual

Reiki For Dogs Manual

Using Starchaser’s Reiki for Dogs Manual, you’ll be able to help, heal, and comfort your favorite canine. Dogs need and want energy healing just like people do. Moreover, just like people, they have their bad days as well as bad memories and traumas. While sick, disabled, and aging dogs in particular benefit from subtle but powerful healing […]

Reiki For Animals

Reiki For Animals

You might think: “What? Reiki for Animals?” But, did you know animals love healing energy such as Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), etc? Animals and Reiki Unlike people, animals are not distracted by their “rational minds,” or by questioning their perceptions and beliefs about energy. They easily transfer sensing into knowing. In other words, animals sense energy and they […]