Joshin Kokyu Ho – Reiki Meditation to Expand and Clear Energy

Joshin Kokyu Ho – Reiki Meditation to Expand and Clear Energy

Reiki practitioners use the Joshin Kokyu Ho Reiki meditation technique to expand, clear, and strengthen their energy. You can use it too, even if you’re not a Reiki or energy healing practitioner. See how. What is Joshin Kokyu Ho Joshin Kokyu Ho means focused breathing technique (Bronwen and Frans Stiene, 2005). In Japanese ‘joshin’ means focusing […]

Spiritual Life Coach Near Me

Spiritual Life Coach Near Me

Not everyone realizes that when it comes to spiritual life coaching, there are two options: finding a spiritual life coach near me or a virtual coach (on the phone or online). The choice between in-person and virtual sessions is a matter of personal preference. It’s also a matter of convenience. This is because virtual sessions allow you more […]