60 Limiting Beliefs Examples | Thoughts That Hold You Back

60 Limiting Beliefs Examples | Thoughts That Hold You Back

Everyone goes through life turning experiences and lessons learned into reusable mental snippets like thoughts and beliefs. Generally, this is a good thing because these snippets help speed up your mental processing of new but related events or decisions. However, these thoughts and beliefs can also restrict what you register and consider when experiencing and […]

How to Clear Your Energy, Gain Clarity, and Create Flow

How to Clear Your Energy, Gain Clarity, and Create Flow

Having and maintaining focus, working with clarity and ease, and manifesting your intentions depend on clear energy and good flow. Therefore, you need to learn how to clear your energy. Clearing Your Energy Clear energy promotes a grounded, centered sense of spaciousness and ease. Additionally, clearing your energy can shift your mood, clarify your thinking, and […]