Finding the Right Reiki Master or Reiki Practitioner For You

Finding the Right Reiki Master or Reiki Practitioner For You

A Reiki session should match your needs and your preferences; after all, it is your healing session. Not all Reiki practitioners and services are alike so you need to find one that suits you. As Reiki becomes more and more popular, there are more and more practitioners offering services in any given area. That means more options, more diversity and better chances of you finding a practitioner who really suits you.

Distance Reiki Healing Sent To Others Or A Troubled Relationship

Distance Reiki Healing Sent To Others Or A Troubled Relationship

Is there a loved one or someone you care about who you wish you could be with and support? Or maybe you’re having problems helping yourself or someone else with a troubled relationship. Well, even if you can’t meet face-to-face or meaningfully broch a subject with someone, let alone resolve it, distance Reiki healing can help. […]

Reiki in DC

Reiki in DC

Reiki is one of the most popular energy healing techniques in Washington, DC. And, interest in Reiki in DC increases every day. What Is Reiki Healing Energy Reiki is an energy-channeling healing modality. It works much like acupuncture but without needles. The healing session aims to restore energy balance, and in so doing, promote good […]

Tap Into Earth Energy With the Earth Star Charka (Vasundhara)

Tap Into Earth Energy With the Earth Star Charka (Vasundhara)

When considering your spiritual growth, align yourself with your Earth Star Chakra, and tap into Earth energy. Garner nature and the earth’s magnificent healing and metaphysical qualities to bolster your expansion and elevation. And, ground your insights and resultant growth into your everyday reality. What’s the Earth Star Chakra The Earth Star, or Vasundhara in […]