Heart Chakra or Anahata | All You Need to Know

Heart Chakra or Anahata | All You Need to Know

The Heart Chakra or Anahata is best known for its association with love, joy, compassion, acceptance, connection, balance, and heart-centered spiritual and healing practices. Given these associations, the chakra’s significant role in personal and spiritual development is easily understood. Of course, it works closely with other chakras (e.g., sacral, throat, and crown) that also contribute […]

Spiritual Connection Through The Chakras

Spiritual Connection Through The Chakras

Your chakra system, or subtle life force energy, governs your spirituality and spiritual growth. Among other functions, chakras individually or collectively serve as a gateway into spiritual realms and varied forms of spiritual connection. Chakras and Your Spirituality Your chakras are energy centers located in your central light column that runs along your spine. The […]

Broken Resolutions | Breaking Patterns With IET For Success

Broken Resolutions | Breaking Patterns With IET For Success

You’ve probably already broken resolutions if you’re reading this article. Or, perhaps, you’re struggling to maintain them. You’re not alone. Many people fail at breaking patterns and embracing new behaviors. According to Insider, 23 percent of resolutions fail within one week, and 80 percent fail within six weeks. That’s a lot of failed resolutions. This […]