Energy Healing Classes

Most energy healing classes are taught on the weekends, but not everyone is available then. No problem. Book your own energy healing class.
I offer the option for you to book your own class on the days and times that work for you.
Class options include:
- Usui, SSR, or Holy Fire II Tibetan Usui Reiki;
- Integrated Energy Therapy (IET); or
- Shamanic Journeying.
How To Book Your Own Energy Healing Class
All you need is two students (including you). Since an important aspect of learning energy healing modalities is the practice, you need another student to practice on.
I have a passion for learning, sharing information, and teaching. I prefer classes that are small and intimate. I offer in-depth, high-quality, informal, and hands-on.
Energy Healing certification classes such as all forms of Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) typically run for two full days, allowing ample time for questions, plenty of practice, and multiple attunements.
The Introduction to Shamanic Journeying class is also certified, but only one full day.
I keep the number of participants to a minimum to ensure each person receives adequate attention and the group can form a supportive energetic connection.
For More Information On Classes And Me, See:
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