Aura Energy | What Is the Aura and Aura Layers

Silhouette with aura energy and layers of the auraThe word aura has a common meaning in everyday use like this place has good energy, a good aura, or a great vibe. But, the word also relates to your life force energy and energy bodies. These are crucial to your health and wellness. Get familiar with your aura and by extension life-force energy. Learn what is the aura, aura energy, and the different aura layers.

The Aura and Auric Field

Aura Definition

The aura is “… an energy field that radiates through and around all living things.”

It’s part of your subtle life force energy, which gives you and all other living beings life. Comprised of infinite frequencies, it expresses itself in endless ways through different living creatures, moods, intentions, etc.

It forms a semi-sphere of life force surrounding your physical body. How far it extends in any direction depends on your personality (e.g., extrovert or introvert), current status, and other characteristics. It can hug close to the physical body or stretch out several feet or more. The typical size of a healthy aura extends about one arm’s length from the physical body.

Auric Field Definition

The distribution of aura energy around your body is also called the auric field or simply the energy field. The color, tone, density, vibrational quality, and size of the auric field reflect the state of your mind, body, and spirit. Since your emotions are an expression of your inner (body) experience, they influence the auric field as well.

The auric field connects with and affects the chakras and all subtle energy channels of the body, such as the nadis. They too contribute to the expression of your aura energy. Hence, they collectively express and signal your current health status and well-being.

Life Force and Aura Energy Are NOT Electric or Electromagnetic Energy

Some people claim the aura and chakras are electric or electromagnetic energy in nature, like nerve impulses and cardiovascular pumping, respectively. But they aren’t.

Unlike these two well-known forms of bodily energy, life force is extremely subtle and immeasurable. No modern science method can directly measure it. Yet, even though it can’t be quantified, you can still sense it, assess its quality, and notice when it changes.

Aura Layers

Spiritual and metaphysical communities describe the layers of the aura in different ways. However, they all conceive of an energy field surrounding the human body in energy bands that continually increase wave frequency. As you move away from the body, your energy becomes less dense and more vibrant.

Three models are included here to illustrate the different points of view.

1.  Rings of Chakras

This model envisions layered bands of light corresponding to the chakra colors beginning with red for the Root Chakra and ending with purple or white for the Crown Chakra.

Typically, the spectrum is limited to the seven most common chakras. Yet, the literature notes additional chakras such as Soul Star and Earth Star.

2.  Bands of Subtle Bodies

Diagram of subtle bodies of the auric field Another way aura layers are envisioned is with rings of subtle bodies.

This model varies considerably depending on which subtle bodies are included and how they’re organized into layers.

Moreover, the colors and respective frequencies of each band vary across different viewpoints.

This illustration shows the etheric body closest to the physical body, followed by the emotional body, mental body, astral body, etheric template, celestial body, and causal body.

It also links each subtle body with a chakra as indicated by the chakra color spectrum. As such, it conveniently illustrates the first model with bands of aura energy corresponding to the chakras. Hence, it overlaps with the chakra model.

The key difference is the attributes and influence of auric energy in the subtle bodies compared to the corresponding chakra ring. For example, the Astral Body and the Heart Chakra are considered the bridge between the earth elements and spiritual elements of a person, the Heart Center is uniquely associated with love, compassion, and cardio functions.  Similarly, the 3rd-Eye Chakra and the Celestial Template have different meanings.

3.  Four Layers of Energy Bodies

This model divides the auric field into four distinct layers: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This model undergirds Integrated Energy Theory (IET), one of my energy healing modalities.

I prefer this model. As an energy healer, I find it easier to sense in my hands and perceive with my mind’s eye.

Furthermore, it’s more intuitive. Therefore, clients more readily understand the connections between information in specific layers and their life experiences.

Plus, I can interpret the healing process during a session. This is particularly helpful with animal and absent clients or what’s referred to as distance healing.

Aura Layers and Human Development

The chakra ring and energy body approaches mirror each other and the progression of human development from infancy to adulthood. This path has roughly the following trajectory.

First, infancy is about your basic physical needs and survival. This corresponds to the physical layer of the aura. Second, you realize the dual nature of life (self and other) and begin forming bonds. Here the connection is with the emotional layer. Third, your mind and analytical capacities evolve as you hone your sense of self and personal power. You’re moved into the mental layer. Finally, you shift into a more spiritual space defining the meaning of life, your passion, and pursuing your life’s purpose. All of this is expressed in your auric field.

Ways to Read Your Aura Energy

There are four common ways to read your aura or someone else’s energy field.

  1. Train and sensitize your eyes to see it. You place your attention on the edges of the head and shoulders. Soften your focus and pick up the energy emanations.
  2. Use a dowsing stick similar to those used to find water, only an aura dowsing stick or rod responds to and traces the borders of your auric field. Metal hangers work well.
  3. Have your aura photographed by an energy, lightworker, shop that offers Kirlian photography.. The process translates the energy emanations of living things into light waves captured on film.
  4. Try energy sensing yourself or with the aid of a practitioner (energy healing). Assessing the quality of your auric energy and field is relatively straightforward once you sensitize yourself to it.

Aura Energy Interpretation – What Does Your Aura Mean

Auric Field is filled with information, which is too varied to cover in detail here. Instead, let’s focus on a few common themes.

In addition, the literature and individual practitioners interpret a particular quality differently For example, some energy healers perceive coolness in the aura as weakness or underactivity while others interpret it as strength and overactivity. Fortunately, the practitioners typically reach the same conclusions about you in a given circumstance. For example, they sense something different (heat vs cold), but it will mean the same thing (weak or depleted energy).

Aura Color Meaning

Not everyone sees aura colors or the same color as another person does. Generally, people find it easier to see white, the presence of all colors. In time, they might learn to discern individual colors of the spectrum.

Still, you’ll find plenty of information on aura color meaning in the literature. For example, blue is typically for intuition, peace, and ease. The color green is for transitions, balance, teaching, and learning. Yellow is for optimism, joy, inspiration, and harmony.

Size and Shape of the Auric Field Meaning

As an energy healer, I find the field’s size and symmetry more informative than color. A narrow or tight aura implies weakness, resistance, or protection. In contrast, a wide and expansive field means strength, openness, and receptivity.

An energy field can be asymmetrical, which suggests an imbalance in the field and most likely the individual’s body, mind, or spirit. For example, you might have a relatively narrow field around your right shoulder indicating a recent physical trauma in that area.

Other Field Irregularities Meaning

Your aura can be cloudy or partially cloudy, i.e., only in certain areas or aura layers. This can indicate disturbance, confusion, or blockage. Alternatively, it could indicate commingling of your energy with someone else.

Dark spots are ominous and indicate illness, debility, or future trouble. Bright light or stars tend to be auspicious and suggest the presence of guides, protectors, and supportive energies.

Expanding and Clearing the Aura

Keeping your aura clear supports good health and well-being. Cleansing and expanding your field also facilitates healing and desired transformation because you experience fewer blocks and hindrances.

Maintaining a clear auric field requires regular attention, especially in difficult, conflicting, confusing, or dangerous times.

Try one of these seven methods to expand or clear your aura:

  1. Smudging using dried herbs, aromatic herbs, drumming, or rattling
  2. Energy healing
  3. Reiki healing attunement
  4. IET Soul Star Clearing
  5. Reiki clearing and raising the vibration meditation
  6. Aura-clearing crystals such as clear quartz

With this knowledge and recommended tools in hand, you can attend to your aura, and in doing so, improve your health and wellness. Maintain and clear and balanced aura to facilitate the manifestation of your intentions.

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.