Spiritual Connection Through The Chakras

Woman reaching for sunlight for spiritual connection and the chakrasYour chakra system, or subtle life force energy, governs your spirituality and spiritual growth. Among other functions, chakras individually or collectively serve as a gateway into spiritual realms and varied forms of spiritual connection.

Chakras and Your Spirituality

Your chakras are energy centers located in your central light column that runs along your spine. The energy of your chakras flows throughout your physical body and all layers of your aura. Each center has a stronger influence over one or more layers.

This energy is your life force (chi or prana). Its essence is spiritual and part of the Woman with chakras, names, and colorsUniverse and universal force. This is what makes all living beings spiritual, whether they are conscious of it or not.

The Crown or Sahasrara governs the spiritual layer of your auric field. It influences the mental layer as well through its close association with the creation of thoughts and beliefs (including limiting beliefs). The Third Eye and Solar Plexus Centers wield significant influence over the mental layer as well.

Sahasrara is also best known and most closely aligned with spiritual connection although not to the exclusion of your other energy centers. For example, the Heart, Third Eye, Soul Star, and Earth Star Chakras, in particular, play a more significant role in certain types of connections. (For basic information on specific chakras, search my Mind Body Spirit Blog by the chakra or one of the variations of its name.)

What Is a Spiritual Connection

The meaning of spiritual connection varies across sources and depends on your intention.

It can relate to your relationship with yourself, other people and living beings, places, and things. It can also refer to a connection to higher powers that are in spirit, including but not limited to the divine, spirit guides, angels and archangels, ascended masters, power animals, deceased loved ones, elementals, universal life force, or other beings, presences, higher forces, and non-corporal vibrations.

Define Spiritual Connection

All spiritual connections begin with you going inward to your inner self before you extend outward. While many people and spiritual practices envision this type of relationship as one of receivership, your initiation of a connection stems from your intention, request, or command. Energy follows intention.

You might receive an unbidden invitation to connect, and many people do. You may feel it in your physical body as sensations. However, it could be impalpable, such as in a hunch or intuitive impression. Finally, it could be within your aura or energetic field and imperceptible. But, your acceptance or rejection of the request is always at your discretion.

Moreover, people often intentionally or unintentionally ignore communication and signs from others attempting a connection. Have you ever told someone, “I had a feeling you were trying to get a hold of me?” Or: “I wasn’t sure I made the right decision, but then I got this sign….” These notions are likely signs of others’ messages or attempts to link with you.

Chakra Facilitation With Different Types of Spiritual Connections

Your chakra system is not the only relevant aspect of yourself involved; however, the type of spiritual connection you aim to create will draw on different chakras and their unique energy. This energy will charge the connection.

Here we’ll look at seven ways of connecting spiritually and discuss which chakras are most involved with each. The connections covered are the following:

  1. The self
  2. Another person
  3. Deceased person (mediumship)
  4. Other non-human living beings (animals, plants)
  5. Nature – earth elements other than living beings (crystals, places, the Moon)
  6. The cosmos (planets, aliens)
  7. The divine, guides, angles, and other Spirits

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it’ll give you a good idea of your energy centers’ diverse roles and how working with them can assist you in your efforts to connect with others.

1.  Connection to Self

As said, chakras are spiritual emanations and flows. They are your subtle life force woman focused on mudra connected to herself and express the universe or the divine within you. They link your earthbound Self to your higher self and soul.

All your chakras and life force energy suffuse you, your experiences, and your actions with a spiritual quality. However, you must acknowledge them and draw upon that spiritual quality to create a spiritual self-connection.

Ways to Spiritually Connect to Yourself

Accessing and relating to your spiritual (not necessarily religious) self is facilitated through different means that engage predominantly specific chakras. Some examples are as follows:

  • Meditation (deep breathing, sitting, or walking) – Heart and Crown Centers
  • Creativity (art, music, dance, journaling) – Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, and Throat Chakras
  • Inner relating (sensing inside yourself) Sacral, Heart, Throat, and Third-Eye Chakras
  • Spending time in nature – Earth Star, Root, Sacral, Heart, and Third-Eye
  • Energy work – all energy centers
  • Personal and spiritual growth (classes, workshops, therapy, coaching) –  Solar Plexus, Heart, Crown, and Soul Star Chakras

It’s important to recognize and stress that your relationship with the Self will promote a much deeper life transformation if you practice what you learn from this self-connection in your everyday life.

See three heart-centered approaches to being your authentic self, and how to open and balance the Crown Chakra to connect with yourself and your spirit.

The Throat Chakra plays a special role in your spiritual and personal growth transformative endeavors because it’s the center of manifestation. In its unique role, the Soul Star acts as your North Star. Clearing this chakra helps you understand how to bring meaning and purpose into your life in a way that is consistent with your soul and soul plan.

2.  Spiritual Connection with Someone

The following three definitions represent a range of perspectives on a person-to-person or social connection.

  1. “… a bond you feel with someone that stems from sharing similar values, beliefs, or perspectives”
  2. “… a  soul tie is formed when two individuals share a strong emotional or spiritual connection.”
  3. ‘… a twin flame is a deep and intense connection between two people who are believed to have been created from one single source of energy and consciousness.”

The chakras with the most influence on spiritual connections with someone else are the Heart, Crown, and Earth Star. The Sacral Chakra typically comes online when the person is a family member. A lesser-known energy center, the Earth Star is engaged with all earthbound connections which include those between human beings. It also facilitates the integration of consciousness, another form of connection or assimilation.

Many forms of energy and psychic work function through the physical heart and Heart Center. The Third Eye or Indigo Chakra contributes to the power and development of your clairsenses such as clairvoyance and claircognizance.

In the case of the twin flame, all the chakras are involved because the other person’s energy and yours stem from one source. Your energies are deeply commingled.

3.  How to Connect to Your Ancestors Spiritually

More people than you might think have had a single, intermittent, or ongoing communication with family or friends in spirit (deceased). Much of this communication is spontaneous, and typically anchored in the heart. After all, this is a spiritual connection with a loved one.

Mediums establish intentional connections with people in spirit. Many create this link through their physical heart or Heart or Fourth Chakra, as I do.

Sacral and Earth Star Centers are relevant when reading family members because of their alignment with family and ancestors.

In addition, numerous mediums meditate on all the chakras, expanding them in preparation and to enhance their mediumistic power. This increases their ability to strongly and lucidly connect and merge with willing spirits.

As with psychic connections, mediumship accesses the Third Eye or Indigo Chakra because of its relation to the clairsenses, which are used to retrieve information and messages from people in spirit.

4.  Plant and Animal Connection

Plants and animals are a fundamental part of nature and planet Earth.

They’ve been extracted from the nature section of this Blog post because they’re livingWoman hugging dog for animal connection beings unlike many other vibrational (energetic) aspects of Earth which are not. Thus, the sources (centers) of connection are somewhat different. Still, it’s possible to establish an energetic link with nonliving crystals, water, landscapes, homesites, etc.

Communication with plants and animals is in essence energetic. As such, it’s possible to communicate through the shared language of subtle life force energy.

I do this all the time. If the “other” is willing, the exchange can be limpid and deeply gratifying. All of my animal energy healing (including communication) and shamanic practices are energetically based. That’s why I list them in my energy healing offerings.

The energy centers that support this type of link are the Earth Star, Root, Sacral, Heart, and Third Eye.

5.  Earth and Nature Connection

Over time, various people have attributed numinous qualities and spiritual personas to nonliving aspects of the Earth including the Moon, crystals, land formations

Young girl in nature for nature connection

(particular mountains, glens, and canyons), oceans, seas, rivers, rain, wind, etc. Individuals can form connections with particular places, e.g., their homes. Perhaps people can aptly sense the energetic attributes and influences.

All Earth-related spiritual connections involve the Earth Star Chakra. Spiritual practices derived from earthbound energies such as those of Shamanism or Paganism align with this chakra.

Moon Connection

The Crown and Sacral Centers are said to align with the Moon and can empower a Moon connection. Being the Earth’s only satellite and charismatic character of the night sky (although cyclically present in the daytime), the Moon has spiritual significance for millions if not billions of people across the globe. Its attributes, legends, and associations are too numerous to list, but one in particular is lunar influence over the process of change and transformation. The unique quality of energy of each phase can be harnessed during a given stage of the change cycle if a person aligns their process accordingly.

Blending Chakra and Crystal Vibrations

Crystals are often classified according to the chakras based on their color or vibration: lapis lazuli with the Throat, rose quartz and jade for the Heart, yellow topaz with the Solar Plexus, and red tiger eye with the Root. When paired the two forces can supercharge your connections.

Connection to Places

Native Americans in particular, have many sacred places such as Denali, the highest mountain in the United America for the Alaskan Athabaskan, and Rainbow Bridge in Aches National Park in Utah for the Navajo. The Atakapa-Ishak/Chawasha people view the Gulf of Mexico as sacred and still live on its shores, although under increasing environmental stress.

The Earth Star and Root are perhaps the most significant energy centers supporting spiritual connections to land and land formations. The Crown Center plays a role through its alignment with the beliefs, stories, and legends associated with these places and formations.

6.  Cosmic Connection

Since the beginning of human time, people have studied and engaged with the Earth, Saturn, stars for cosmic connection cosmos. Planets (and the Earth’s Moon), stars, nebulae, and constellations are the most notable elements. They are a source of meaning, influence, divination, worship, and more.

In addition, some people view aliens and various other cosmic forces through a spiritual or metaphysical lens.

All the chakras align with a specific planet or the Moon. Although, references vary on the exact pairings. For example, some people believe the planet for Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is the Moon (a satellite, not a planet), Pluto (no longer considered a planet), or Venus.

Constellations pair with certain chakras as well. This includes astrology and birth signs. For example, the Throat Center associates with Leo, and the Heart Center with Cancer, both as in the Ayurvedic system.

7.  Chakras and Connecting With Spirit Guides and Energies

Three quotes represent a sample of definitions of connections with the spirit world.

  1. Connection with a “… higher spirit that helps co-create our lives. It’s about recognizing the divine within ourselves and others and understanding that we are all perfect just as we are.”
  2. Some people experience spiritual connection by having a relationship to the Creator, their ancestors, Mother Earth, and all living things. Others experience it through participating in religious or traditional ceremonies, sitting in nature, praying, or through deep reflection and meditation.”
  3. “A spiritual connection refers to a deep and profound sense of connection to something larger than oneself, often associated with spirituality, higher consciousness, or a higher power. It is a feeling of being interconnected with the universe, other beings, or a divine presence.  Some key characteristics of a spiritual connection (Jogindra Kohl).

This section pertains to all spiritual connections to higher powers that are in spirit. The spirit world includes but is not limited to: the divine, Gods, Goddesses, spirit guides, angels (including your guardian angel), archangels (e.g., Ariel or Gabriel), ascended masters (e.g., Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Buddha) power animals, plants spirits (e.g., Ayahuasca) and animals spirits (White Buffalo), universal life force, or other beings, presences, higher forces, and non-corporal vibrations that comprise the various versions of the spirit world.

Connections with the spirit world are the most powerful and profound. It’s difficult to generalize, and generally the vast range of spiritual views. Still, from my perspective, these spirit emanations collectively represent the infinite number of frequencies of the Universe. As such they are all in essence energetic or vibrational and distinct from the multitudinous characterizations bestowed upon them throughout time and space.

Earth Star, Heart, Third-Eye, Crown, and Soul Star chakras are probably most central to establishing a connection to the spirit world, but all chakras engage. Other views would include additional chakras beyond the Eighth or Soul Star.

The Importance of Grounding

The depth and success of all spiritual work are dependent on the vessel. That’s you. Therefore, when you connect to and work with energy, especially higher vibrations, make sure you’re adequately grounded.

Tree metaphor above and grounded belowTrees are a perfect metaphor. They balance the roots below the soil with the crown above it. The tree’s roots need to dig in more deeply (your grounding) to support growth and expansion (your spiritual connection). So, when you intensify your grounding, you facilitate greater spiritual connection no matter what type it is.

Consider practicing these ways to become more grounded. Add the therapeutic and subtle properties of plants to create a grounded spiritual practice.

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.